Textile Art Collage From Photo... to Fabulous!
16 X 20 Enlarged Original Photo with a smaller black & white photo for reference. **Photos must be sent to me for approval 30 days prior to class.
Fabric: A variety of fabrics ranging in value from light to dark that coordinate with your photo. Nothing larger than ¼ yard. I like to use lots of patterns, plaids, and polka dots. Scraps work great.
Lightbox: It is necessary that you have a lightbox!!!
Misc: Small Sharp Embroidery Scissors and Scissors for cutting paper. Travel Iron & Ironing Pad with Extension Cord.

My giraffe was created with Tim Holtz fabrics. Most projects are made with a couple different whites, a few blacks and a mix of everything in between. I typically find a fabric that I love, that I think will work perfectly in the project and then I pull everything together that will coordinate or play nicely with that fabric. ​​​​​​Any type of cotton fabric (including batiks) work great.

Kahlid is the chief breeding bull at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado. His nickname is "Big Daddy".
Textile Art Collage From Photo... Full on Fabulous!
For the 5-day workshop you'll need the above supplies along with the following:
If you tend to work fast, you’ll need your sewing machine and assorted threads that match the fabrics you’re using. You must be able to drop your feed dogs to FMQ.
Quilters Gloves. There will be a limited amount of Bernina machines for rent. (see the registration form for details)
​Background Fabric: You’ll either piece the background and need a variety of fabrics in the colors you’re choosing to use + a piece of cheap muslin 20 x 24. OR... The other option is to take your completed dog (or whatever) and place it on a piece of whole cloth. In that case, you will need a 20 x 24 piece of background fabric.

Photo by Beth Jacobs

For both classes, there is a $40 supply fee payable directly to the instructor.​
Items included:
Duralar film for creating a pattern. Extra Large Applique Pressing Sheet.
Necessary pens: Ultra fine black Sharpie, #10 White Gelly Roll Pen.
1 Pkg of Light Steam-a-Seam 2. Silk for eyes. Use of my professional pens and markers.
91% rubbing alcohol and Q-tips for correcting mistakes.
Scraps of fabric to supplement what you have brought for your project. Pellon Peltex Ultra-firm Stabilizer.
60 days prior to class, Stacey will send each registrant detailed information about choosing a photo, selecting fabrics, detailed supply information, and other information helpful.